caitlin martin's profile

Reformed typography

Glitch typography
This project is all about distorting and refining typography. We played around with textured gathering which helped us to explore different things around us. This is to help us know that we don't have to rely on computers all the time. 
Textured gathering was really interesting to see what sort of stuff are around us and how different things make such interesting and unique textures. 
experimenting with mark making and collage has allowed me to explore with different ways of creating a textured background. 
Glitch typograhy was so fun as it allowed me to play around with resources that we already had to create such cool effects. With it being already used resources it saves our materials and it allows us to be a lot more flexible with our learning. 
This is my final outcome. This is where we started to add colour and different designs and textures to it. I feel like this project was quite fun however it definitely tested my skills on how to design without using a digital form. 
Reformed typography

Reformed typography
